Weekly recap (2/27-3/5): Rebuilding

I've had a few weeks in a row now of feeling good. This is my longest stretch without sickness in well over a year, and I finally started the running rebuilding process.

My overall speed and endurance have taken quite a hit over the past several months, though. I feel a lot like I felt when I was coming back from pregnancy: slow but hopeful. 

But before I launch into last week's recap, let me catch you up on my blog posts from the past two weeks. There aren't many. I've been busy, but there are a few:

weekly recap 2/27-3/5

Workout summary

  • Monday: Barre
  • Tuesday:  Off
  • Wednesday: Easy run - 4.01 miles (8:28 pace)
  • Thursday: Barre
  • Friday: Bodyflow
  • Saturday: Easy run - 4.02 miles (8:56 pace)
  • Sunday: Easy run - 5.02 miles (8:58)

Yoga: 1
Barre/strength: 2
Runs: 3
Total miles: 13.05 miles
Total workouts: 6

This week marked my return to yoga/BodyFlow workouts. It's been over 6 months (maybe longer) since I went to a yoga class and I've missed it! I'm more flexible than before and generally stronger thanks to keeping up with barre classes, but my overall yoga practice needs a bit of work. I'm hoping to get at least one yoga class per week, even though I'd really like to do it daily even if it's just for 15 minutes. 

Unfortunately, I also tweaked my back a bit on Friday (not in BodyFlow class, though). It's an old injury that flares up once in a while. About 15 years ago, I fell butt/back-first through a glasstop coffee table while I was climbing around in the basement trying to get to something in the corner. Fun stuff. Once in a while, it flares up and the smallest thing, like twisting wrong or picking up a bag of groceries can set it off. 

Assuming I can stand up straight, moving around usually helps, as long as I take it slow. So that's what I did on Saturday and Sunday's runs. I started slowly and let my back loosen up a bit before picking up a little more speed in the last half of each run. By the time I finished running, it felt better. It's still not completely okay, so I still have to take it a little easy, but hopefully it will be better soon. 

mom and toddler shoes

We also went to the beach last weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. We live less than 10 minutes from the sand and do not take advantage of that enough. The last time we were there was Thanksgiving. This must be remedied. I need to start beach running again. And going with the family on a regular basis, too. 

Little B decided he wanted to run when we got to the beach. That kid ran and ran and ran, and I got in a second workout for the day running with him. It really had to be almost a mile. I think I have a little runner boy on my hands.  

beach baby

And that was my week - slowly rebuilding, increasing mileage, BodyFlow and beach time. Next week I start back to speedwork (eek!). 

How was your week?

I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippi Piddlin'  for their Weekly Wrap post.