Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 17 (7/16-7/22)

weekly workouts

Weather weirdness

Last week just a weird one. I had a pretty crazy schedule with work and the weather was just terrible. We had bad thunderstorms and heavy rain, both of which seemed to occur at the exact times I had carved out for runs during the week. And I didn't have a ton of flexibility to get those runs in later, either. So I missed two runs. Ugh.

I also wasn't feeling great toward the end of the week. My throat was scratchy, I had a headache and I was just feeling off in general. Nothing major, and nothing that would have actually kept me from running had it not be storming like crazy, but it was enough to slow me down when I finally did get out for 2 runs. 

Workout Summary

Monday Off
Tuesday F45
Wednesday Off
Thursday F45
Friday Off
Saturday Run: 5 miles at 9:22 pace
Sunday Run: 8 miles at 9:34 pace
Totals 2 runs/13 miles
Total workouts: 4

This week solidified what I've already known for a long time: I need a treadmill at home. As much as I despise the treadmill, I also despise missing a ton of workouts. Missed workouts while I'm not training for anything aren't as big of a deal, but when I start training in the fall, I can't miss them. 

Also: I can't wait until Orange Theory opens just a few minutes from my house! (And hopefully a yoga or barre studio will move in nearby soon, too.)

Good things that happened: two F45 works and an awesome sports massage (I needed one so bad!). And all those crazy storms gave way to the most gorgeous sunset on Friday night (pictured above in the main post photo).

Even though I didn't run a lot this past week, I walked a lot and I did get in some kind of physical activity every day. I took my dogs out for 1-mile walks, and sometimes the whole family went along!

summer evening with the family

I'm still chugging along on some of my creative endeavors (jewelry design, photography). I may be busy, but getting back into those things (and art, in general) keeps me sane and actually makes me more productive. (I also updated my main website to reflect some things I'm doing and the direction I'm heading.)

It's like when I had all kinds of issues with asthma and allergies and didn't realize how bad it was until it wasn't anymore (one I got allergy shots). Same concept. I didn't fully realize how much creativity and art are my lifeblood until I made an effort to get back to them. Next step: getting my piano to our house. Music therapy!

I also got to take a few pictures of a sweet foster pup this weekend, too. I feel incredibly rusty with a real camera, but it will come back! 

riley adoptable dog
riley adoptable dog

How was your week? What do you do when terrible (unsafe) weather spoils your workouts?


As always, I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap series.