35 Before 35: #9 - Lose that last 15 pounds

Well. I had done this (and then some) and maintained it easily by changing my eating and fitness habits. Then I got pregnant. While I only gained about 25 pounds during pregnancy (and I didn't even reach my highest non-pregnancy weight - i.e., our wedding, in which the pictures served as the catalyst for my fitness journey), I've still got some pounds hanging around since, you know, I'm only five weeks postpartum and have yet to really start a real exercise regime.

Above image, left to right: Wedding, December 2010,* pre-fitness/running; Last summer, three months pre-pregnancy; Now ( picture taken at 10 days postpartum, but still look pretty similar to this)

So, I've got some work to do to get back to my former self and fitness level, but I know can do it. I did it before and I started at a much lower fitness level (and higher weight) than I'm starting from now. I'm kickstarting it by participating in Fleet Feet Mount Pleasant's 21-day Challenge for Change. The timing is perfect since it starts in my sixth week postpartum and it will get me ready for whatever running training program I do this fall (10k or half).

 *We didn't have a traditional wedding. We just hit up the Justice of the Peace and had a party afterward, so that's why we're not wearing traditional wedding attire. But I did love that dress!

35 Before 35 is a list of 35 goals I want to accomplish before I hit 35 in August 2014. Some of them are big things, some small, but all of them are things I really want to do, and what better time to do them than now?