Updates and happenings

I've been debating what I want to do around here on Into the Glimmer for a while. I've had a lot of ideas brewing in my head, most of them centered around things that have to do with the "living" part of my "Running, racing, and living in Charleston, SC" tagline. I haven't really done much with those ideas other than catalog them in a someday-maybe list in Evernote. But today, that changes!

First, I created a Facebook page for my blog. Next, I opened a shop on Society6 where I'll sell my beach photography and artwork (sometimes running-related stuff will pop up as well). I listed a few things today and I'll be adding more in the future. 

In addition to Society6, I'll also eventually add a market right here on the blog for things like free iPhone or desktop wallpaper downloads and (not free) limited edition photography or art prints. I also plan to tweak my blog's logo and banner. And I have a few other ideas for both content and commerce up my sleeve as well, but I'll keep those under wraps right now.

In the meantime, head on over Into the Glimmer on Society6 and check it out, and then go like me on Facebook. (You can also find these links in my sidebar. ---->)