Into the Glimmer

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Summer 2016 Tentative Racing Schedule (because torturing myself is fun)

After Saturday's flop, flounder, and burn, I immediately swore off summer racing. Then I came to my senses. Why not continue to torture myself with more summer slogfests? After all, I did have a loose goal of running at least one race per month this year. So far, I'm on track. Why stop now?

So here's what I'm thinking for my summer racing schedule (and goals since I feel like I need to get back on track with goal setting and race times, even if I wildly miss the mark):


I'on Club Firecracker 5K - July 4
I love a good holiday themed race and this one starts at 7:30 a.m., so maybe it won't be too hot yet (ha!). I ran a 4-mile trail race last year on July 4th, but I'm much more excited about a 5K road race. Plus, the course will probably be mostly shaded. 
Goal: 24-25 minutes

Isle of Palms Beach Run 5K - July 16
This was my DNF (did not finish) race last summer. I attempted the 10K and about died in the heat and sun. Why not revisit the scene of the crime for some redemption? This time, though, I'm only going to attempt the 5K.
Goal: Under 25 minutes

Race for the Ark 5K - August 27
I wanted to run this one last year, but ended up skipping it and swearing off racing until cooler weather hit. But if I want to run at least one race a month, I'll need to run this one since August races are pretty sparse around here. 
Goal: Under 24:30

September 10 - Double whammy alert!
9/11 Heroes Run 5K (morning) 

Another one I wanted to do last year, but we were in the throes of sleep deprivation and I had zero motivation. Let's try again. And to keep myself from running too fast, I may run with the stroller.
Goal: Under 26 minutes (w/ stroller), Under 25 minutes (without stroller)

South Carolina Aquarium Turtle Trek 5K (evening, beach run)
I'm a sucker for a good beach race and I love this cause. Plus, I've done the multiple runs in one day thing at the Palmetto70 (and ran an 8:30ish pace overall) and those runs were much longer than the 5K distance, coming in at almost 16 total miles for the day. I can handle 6.2 miles of races in one day. 
Goal: Under 25 minutes

And that'll do it for summer racing. I'm still working on my fall schedule, but so far, it's shaping up to include quite a few half marathons. For now though, I'm just focusing on getting through the summer heat.