Happy Otterdays!

Well, we made it. It’s the last few weeks of a beyond crazy year, and I’m officially on vacation from work for the next two weeks. And I can definitely use the break. I plan to spend it painting, crafting, and baking cookies.

One of my favorite things about 2020 was that I finally picked up a paintbrush and got over my fear of watercolor. I’ve been having a blast with tutorials from Let’s Make Art, Dear Ann, and Emma Block. I finally have built up some confidence in this previously intimidating medium.

At work we have this silly tradition of posting Out of Office Otters when we’re going to be out of the office (because who doesn’t need more otters in their life?) - stay with me, this is related to my watercolor journey. For holiday break 2020, I used a painting I did a while back using a Let’s Make Art tutorial and added my holiday message digitally.

I give you…Happy Otterdays!

happy otterdays

Wishing you happy holidays (and happy otterdays) and a healthy, sane 2021.