Into the Glimmer

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Jewelry design: things I've been up to lately

In addition to lots of time taken up with the international move to Australia, I’ve been really focusing on making time for me. Over the past year, I’ve experienced what felt like trauma after trauma with some low-key underlying trauma pulsing below the trauma spikes that seemed to hit a regular cadence. To combat that, I’ve turned to what I always turn to: 1) getting outside and getting moving and 2) channeling creativity.

Getting out and getting moving looked a little different for me as well since I had a health thing that kept me from running (see: Trauma 4 in the Year of Ongoing Trauma). But, I also discovered that I love walking, too. I’ve walked somewhere between 3 and 8 miles most days. And when I was cleared to run again and finally got up the nerve to do so (months later), I was surprised by how much fitness I maintained.

But really - the creative stuff is what keeps me going and keeps my brain from going completely haywire.

One area I’ve gotten back into after just years of sketching, ideation, and sporadic making is jewelry design. And oh how I love it!

The move has put a bit of a pause on this as my jewelry design and making supplies are still Stateside, but that’s not stopping me from starting a collection here while those get packed up and shipped across the Pacific. But here are a few snapshots of recent work (pre-move), including a bunch of necklaces for kids (last few photos).