Into the Glimmer

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Bake, Make, Create: Nutella Stuffed Cookies


Since I finished grad school and no longer spend Sundays slaving away over a computer, I have plenty of extra time to do fun things! For the past several Sundays, I've spent a lot of time baking, making, and creating, all things I enjoyed before getting sucked into the grad school vortex and that I'm happy to be rediscovering now. I'm going to try to do this on a regular basis and then document it here (not a specific timeline, though, I'm horrible when I lock myself down to timelines on my blog). So by "regular basis," I mean once a week or thereabouts. And by bake, make, create, I mean:

  • Bake: Duh, baking
  • Make: Could be anything - a new recipe (not baking) or any kind of DIY project of the Pinterest variety, like making a headboard or candles
  • Create: Something I create sans a recipe or tutorial, and again, could be anything ranging from photography to jewelry design to sketching to a kitchen disaster in which I deviate terribly from a recipe to finishing my personal/professional website (ahem)

So I kicked off this little project of mine with these delicious (seriously, delicious is an understatement) Nutella Stuffed Browned Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt. Nutella? Browned Butter? Sea Salt? Omg. Sign. Me. Up. My husband and coworkers approve.

Bake Score: Success



I found the recipe on Ambitious Kitchen, so if you're interested in making them, head on over there.

My little kitchen assistant also wanted to say "hello." She didn't leave my side the entire time.


All photos taken with my iPhone.