Into the Glimmer

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35 Before 35: #11 - Bring My Dogs on Vacation With Me

Okay so this one is cheating a bit, but I'm counting it anyway. Most of our vacations since forever have involved going to the beach and now I live at the beach, so life is pretty much a perma-vacation (I can even wear shorts and flip flops to work). My dogs had never seen the ocean before and now they get to go there on a weekly basis, and I'm pretty certain they love it as much as I do! I might be imagining this, but I swear they've all got an extra little bounce in their steps and wag in their tails since we've relocated.

Beagles on the beach

Beagles on the beach

35 Before 35 is a list of 35 goals I want to accomplish before I hit 35. Some of them are big things, some small, but all of them are things I really want to do, and what better time to do them than now?